ANTOINE FUQUA (reżyseria) - "Dzień próby" (Training Day) z Denzelem Washingtonem, "Łzy słońca" (Tears of the Sun) z Brucem Willysem i Moniką Belucci, "Król Artur" (King Arthur) z Clivem Owenem i Keirą Knightley, "The Replacement Killers" z Chow Yun-Fatem i Mirą Sordino oraz "Bait" z Jamie Foxxem.
JONATHAN LEMKIN (scenariusz) - "Hill Street Blues", "Na wariackich papierach" (Moonlighting), "21 Jump Street", "Adwokat diabła" (The Devil's Advocate), "Zabójcza broń 4" (Lethal Weapon 4), "Czerwona planeta" (Red Planet).
LORENZO DI BONAVENTURA (produkcja) - "Upadek" (Falling Down), "Czas zabijania" (A Time To Kill), "Matrix", "Depresja gangstera" (Analyze This), "Gniew oceanu" (The Perfect Storm), "Ocean's Eleven", "Harry Potter i kamień filozoficzny" (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone), "Dzień próby" (Training Day), "Scooby Doo", "Czterej bracia" (Four Brothers), "Constantine", "Derailed", "Transformers", "1408".
PETER MENZIES, JR. ASC (zdjęcia) - "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider", "Córka generała" (The General's Daughter), "Szklana pułapka 2" (Die Hard: With a Vengeance", "13 wojownik" (The Thirteenth Warrior), "Czas zabijania" (A Time to Kill), "When a Stranger Calls", "Czterej bracia" (Four Brothers), "Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous", "Man of the House", "Disney's The Kid".
DENNIS WASHINGTON (scenografia) - "Honor Prizzich" (Prizzi's Honor), "Ścigany" (The Fugitive), "Góra Dante'go" (Dante's Peak), "Córka generała" (The General's Daughter).
CONRAD BUFF, A.C.E. (montaż) - "Titanic" - Oskar?, "Terminator 2: Dzień sądu" (Terminator 2: Judgement Day), "Prawdziwe kłamstwa" (True Lies), "Głębia" (The Abyss), "Gatunek" (Species), "Król Artur" (King Arthur), "Łzy słońca" (Tears of the Sun), "Dzień próby" (Training Day), "Antwone Fisher", "Harsh Times".
HA NGUYEN (kostiumy) - "Heaven and Earth", "Maska" (The Mask), "Teoria spisku" (Conspiracy Theory), "Gruby i chudszy" (The Nutty Professor), "Zabójcza broń 4" (Lethal Weapon 4), "Swordfish", "Zoom".
MARK MANCINA (muzyka) - "Asylum", "The Haunted Mansion", "Dzień próby" (Training Day), "Tarzan", "Speer", "Bad Boys", "Con Air", "Skok przez płot" (Over the Hedge), aranżacja trzech piosenek Eltona Johna do filmu "Król Lew" (The Lion King).