NICOLAS CAGE (Johnny Blaze) - "Zostawić Las Vegas" (Leaving Las Vegas) Mike'a Figgisa - nagroda Akademii?, Złoty Glob, "Adaptacja" (Adaptation) Spike'a Jonze - nominacja do Oskara?, Złotego Globu i BAFTA, "The Wicker Man", "World Trade Center" Olivera Stone, "Pogoda na życie" (The Weather Man) Gore Verbinski'ego, "Lord of War" Andrew Niccola, "Skarb narodów" (National Treasure), "Naciągacze" (Matchstick Men), "Kapitan Corelli" (Captain Correlli's Mandolin), "The Family Man", "60 sekund" (Gone in 60 Seconds), "Ciemna strona miasta" (Bringing out the Dead), "8 mm" (Eight Millimeter), "Oczy węża" (Snake Eses), "Miasto aniołów" (City of Angels), "Bez twarzy" (Face Off), "Twierdza" (The Rock), "Guarding Tess", "It Could Happen to You", "Pocałunek śmierci" (Kiss of Death), "Honeymoon in Vegas", "Cotton Club", "Racing with the Moon", "Peggy Sue wyszła za mąż" (Peggy Sue Got Married), "Raising Arizona", "Ptasiek" (Birdy), "Wpływ księżyca" (Moonstruck), "Dzikość serca" (Wild at Heart).
EVA MENDES (Roxanne) - "Dzień próby" (Training Day), "Hitch", "Wyścig z czasem" (Out of Time) z Denzelem Washingtonem, "Dawno temu w Meksyku" (Once Upon A Time in Mexico) Roberta Rodriqueza, "Za szybcy, za wściekli" (2 Fast 2 Furious), "All About the Benjamins", "Skazani na siebie" (Stuck on You) z Mattem Damonem i Gregiem Kinnearem, "Trust the Man" z Davidem Duchovny i Julianne Moore.
WES BENTLEY (Blackheart) - "American Beauty", "The Four Feathers", "The White River Kid", "Soul Survivors", "The Claim", "Beloved", "The Game of Their Lives".
SAM ELLIOTT (Caretaker) - "Thank You For Smoking", "Lies & Alibi", "Barnard", "Off the Map", "Hulk", "Byliśmy żołnierzami" (We Were Soldiers), "Ukryta prawda" (The Contender), "The Hi-Lo Country", "The Big Lebowski", "Tombstone", "Gettysburg", "Lifeguard", "Maska" (Mask), "Rush", telewizja - "Buffalo Girls" - nominacje do Emmy i Złotego Globu, "Fair Safe", "You Know My Name", "Murder In Texas", "Gone To Texas" "The Sam Houston Story", "The Yellow Rose", "Fugitive Nights."
PETER FONDA (Mephistopheles) - "Swobodny jeździec" (Easy Rider), "Tammy and the Doctor", "The Victors", "Wild Angels" Rogera Cormana, "The Hired Hand", "Wanda Nevada", "Outlaw Blues", "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry", "Race With the Devil", "Love and a .45", "Nadja", "Ucieczka z Los Angeles" (Escape From L.A.), "Bodies, Heat & Motion", "Ulee's Gold" - Złoty Glob, nominacja do Oskara?, "The Limey", "Thomas and the Magic Railroad".